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Gwneuthurwraig o Gymru. 


My work translates traditional craft values into new vernacular artefacts that explore making and narratives. 




About: The Story
MEO Casgliad Creiriau .jpg


Datganiad Artist

My work commemorates and celebrates traditional Welsh craftsmanship, specifically the craft of the butter maker and the quarryman. Both employ the traditional method of carving within their work, and this has influenced the materials and processes I use, and the visual symbolism evident within my work. 

This collection consists of objects with potential for use and contemplation. I aim to communicate craft as an emblem of Welsh heritage, identity and culture and this underlying narrative is at the core of my practice as a maker. This narrative is implied through careful selection and juxtaposition of materials; grass referencing back to the agricultural background of butter making, wood representing old wood turning traditions, glass and thread as a symbol of the fragile existence of such historic crafts within contemporary culture. More than tools and utensils these are vehicles to reflect upon diminishing crafts, and highlight that these historic traditions are slowly deteriorating.


Mae fy ngwaith yn coffáu ac yn dathlu crefftwaith traddodiadol Cymru, a chrefft y gwneuthurwr menyn a’r chwarelwr yn benodol. Mae’r ddau’n defnyddio dull traddodiadol cerfio yn eu gwaith, ac mae hyn wedi dylanwadu ar y defnyddiau a’r prosesau a ddefnyddiaf i, a’r symbolaeth weledol sy’n amlwg yn fy ngwaith.

Casgliad yw hwn o wrthrychau â photensial ar gyfer defnydd a myfyrdod. Fy nod yw cyfleu crefft fel arwyddlun o dreftadaeth, hunaniaeth a diwylliant Cymru, a’r naratif gwaelodol hwn sydd wrth graidd fy ymarfer fel gwneuthurwraig. Awgrymir y naratif hwn drwy ddethol a chyfosod defnyddiau’n ofalus; glaswellt yn cyfeirio’n ôl at gefndir amaethyddol gwneud menyn, pren yn cynrychioli hen draddodiadau turnio coed, gwydr ac edau’n symbol o fodolaeth brau crefftau hanesyddol o’r fath o fewn ein diwylliant cyfoes. Yn fwy nag offer ac arfau, cerbydau yw’r rhain ar gyfer myfyrio ar grefftau sy’n lleihau, ac i amlygu’r ffaith fod y traddodiadau hanesyddol hyn yn dirywio’n araf.








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